A personal website for you to get to know me better through my writing, research, and service opportunities!
Past Research
Undergraduate Research (University of Michigan)
1. UROP 2020-2021:
• During this program, I was first introduced to the various fields of research. Before interviewing to be partnered with a research mentor, I learned how to make a resume, how to write a cover letter, and how to properly prepare for an interview.
• After the interview process, I was paired with Dr. Sarah A. Stoddard, who continues to be my research mentor. Throughout the year, I helped conduct literature reviews for a study on the hopes and fears of adolescents during the pandemic and dedicated a lot of my time to help with the study: "The Relationship Between Empowerment and Substance Use Intentions and Problematic School Behaviors During Adolescence. Please refer to the video on the right to learn more about the research I helped with during my first year at UROP.
2. Research Scholars 2021-2022:
• Research Scholars is a continuation of the UROP program. In this program, I am still working with my research mentor, Dr. Stoddard. Within the program, I am learning about how to write a manuscript, collaborating with my peers to create a podcast, and attending seminars and workshops that further my knowledge of research.
3. Group Therapy for Adolescent Substance Misuse Treatment: A Scoping Review, 2022-2023
• The objective of this scoping review is to understand the extent and type of evidence in relation to group therapy to support adolescents who misuse substances. Currently, I am working on the protocol which will be published within the month of December 2021.
4. . Honors Thesis 2022-2023
In this two-semester course, I will work closely with. my co-mentors and the Thesis faculty director to design a research project, collect/analyze data, and create an extensive literature review
The thesis titled: "The Effects of External Psychopathological Behaviors and Adolescents' Future Orientation on Adolescent Substance Use Trajectories
The objective of this honors thesis is for me to delve more deeply into the time course for adolescent substance use. More specifically, I anticipate looking at whether and what externalizing psychopathological symptoms and psychosocial variables influence persisting/increased, resisting, or minimal/low substance use and risk behavior among adolescents who have different trajectories or patterns of use across adolescence and emerging adulthood.