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Research Courses

Undergraduate Research Oppourtunity Program (UROP)

1. UROP 2020-2021: 

• During this program, I was first introduced to the various fields of research. Before interviewing to be partnered with a research mentor, I learned how to make a resume, how to write a cover letter, and how to properly prepare for an interview.

• After the interview process, I was paired with Dr. Sarah A. Stoddard, who continues to be my research mentor. Throughout the year, I helped conduct literature reviews for a study on the hopes and fears of adolescents during the pandemic and dedicated a lot of my time to help with the study: "The Relationship Between Empowerment and Substance Use Intentions and Problematic School Behaviors During Adolescence. Please refer to the video on the right to learn more about the research I helped with during my first year at UROP.

2. Research Scholars 2021-2022: 

•  Research Scholars is a continuation of the UROP program. In this program, I am still working with my research mentor, Dr. Stoddard. Within the program, I am learning about how to write a manuscript, collaborating with my peers to create a podcast, and attending seminars and workshops that further my knowledge of research. 

3. Honors Thesis 2022-2023

  • In this two-semester course, I will work closely with. my co-mentors and the Thesis faculty director to design a research project, collect/analyze data, and create an extensive literature review

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